However, many academics, and engineering graduates who would otherwise have considered an academic career, are opting for employment in industry, mainly due to the far better salaries on offer outside of academia.Masengo IlungaDepartment Civil and Chemical Engineering UNISA...
»Ourstudentsf inst le.Aviationstudentsareabletocompletetheirf inghourswithUniSA’snewfeeto Cessna172S.TherecentExcellenceinResearchAustralia(ERA)awardsrecognisedUniSA’sDivisionofInformationTechnology,EngineeringandtheEnvironmentwithworld-classran ings orleadingresearchintheareaso MathematicalSciences,Pure...
Southern Geotechnical EngineeringUNISA Department of Business ManagementTalent management, an integrated system of recruitment, development and retention of the required human capital at all organisational levels, is at the forefront of business agendas. Given the skills shortage in South Africa, talent ...
The authors would like to acknowledge Dassault Systems for providing licenses for the engineering design software, i.e., SolidWorks, as part of the strategic collaboration plan with UniSA, which provided the authors with outstanding accessibility in planning and presenting this research study. Conflicts...