Civil cocktail evening : news from the SAICE UCT chapterThe article offers information about the employer-employee cocktail evening hosted by the University of Cape Town (UCT) Student Chapter in the Jameson Hall at UCT on September 30, 2011.Civil Engineering = Siviele Ingenieurswese...
刊名:Civil Engineering 2010年第10期 摘要:THE SAICE Student Chapter at UCT aims to cater for the needs of all civil engineering students who choose to extend their interest in their chosen profession. The student chapter committee endeavours to facilitate talks and discussions with men and women ...
Constructionofworksafetycourseforcivilengineeringspecialtybased 高等建筑教育 2012年第21卷第2期 JOURNALOFARCHITECTURALEDUCA~ONININSTITUTIONS0FHIGHERLEARNINGVo1.21No.22012 37 以社会需求为导向的土木工程安全 生产课程建设 刘海涛 ,郭院成 (1.华北水利水电学院土木工程系,河南郑州 450045;2.郑fJJ、1大学土木7-程学院...
Read the latest articles of Procedia Engineering at, Elsevier’s leading platform of peer-reviewed scholarly literature
Here are the IS codes which cater to the need of civil engineering relating to Cement and Concrete. These IS codes include the Standardization in the field of all types of cement, pozzolana, testing sand, concrete, aggregates, instruments for cement and concrete testing, cement plant machinery ...
“TorsionalShearStrength andSizeEffectinLaminatedVeneerLumber,”AdvancesinCivilEngineeringMaterials,Vol. 3,No.1,2014,pp.193–203,doi:10.1520/ACEM20130108.ISSN2165-3984 ABSTRACT Thisstudyinvestigatestheeffectthatspecimendepthhasonthetorsional shearstrengthoffull-sizeEasternSpeciesLaminatedVeneerLumber(LVL). ...
机译 美国UCT三重奏比赛 作者: 刊名:Civil Engineering 2012年第8期 摘要:Prof mark alexander, chairman of the Cement & Concrete Institute (C&CI), and two of his colleagues at the University of Cape Town's Department of Civil Engineering, have received the American Concrete Institute's prestigi...
国防交通工程与技术 31 2009第3期 收稿日期:2009202220 作者简介:赵青龙(1975—),男,工程师,主要从事机械设计工作 基于MIDAS/Civil的桥墩模板设计 赵青龙 (中铁十一局集团六公司,湖北襄樊441105) 摘要:在桥墩模板载荷分析的基础上,采用有限元软件MIDAS/civil进行桥墩模板的设计,首先介绍了桥墩 模板模型建立的方法,并...
Methods of testing soils for civil engineering purposes - Soil classification tests - Test 2.4 Determination of the plasticity indexdoi:NZS 4402.2.4:1986包括土壤塑性指数的测定.结合第1部分阅读.
SS symmetry Editorial Civil Engineering and Symmetry Edmundas Kazimieras Zavadskas 1,2 , Romualdas Bausys 3 and Jurgita Antucheviciene 1,* 1 Department of Construction Management and Real Estate, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Sauletekio al. 11, LT-10223 Vilnius, Lithuania; edmundas.z...