Origin of the hundred; the hundred court; the high constable Decay of the hundred; hundred-meeting in Maryland The hundred in Delaware; the levy court, or representative county assembly The old Pennsylvania county Town-meetings in New Tort The county board of supervisors QUESTIONS ON THE TEXT Se...
Searching for an attorney has never been easier Enter information in at least one field (required) Legal Issue Use up and down arrow keys to navigate. Touch device users, explore by touch or with swipe gestures. Location Use up and down arrow keys to navigate. Touch device users, explore ...
To memorialize the four bomb-slain Birmingham schoolgirls, they envisioned mobilization of a “nonviolent army” that would march to the statehouse in Montgomery, block roads and communications, and paralyze the proudly racist administration of Gov. George C. Wallace. The local focus, by contrast,...
On July 29, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit released a published opinion in the case of Sylvia Gonzalez v. Edward Trevino, Mayor of Castle Hills that now appears to be headed to the U.S. Supreme Court. This is an important First Amendment Retaliation case where qualified...
Nathan Matthewson, too, stepped down, and was replaced by Benjamin Oliver of Duplin County. In one of Oliver’s reports, he advised the court that he had sold for $600 a slave named Jim “in consequence of grossly bad behavior and general bad deportment.” The buyer was Wyatt Moye. ...
Courtesy of the Library of Congress and the U.S. Works Progress Administration "I had crossed the line. I was free, but there was no one to welcome me to the land of freedom. I was a stranger in a strange land."—Harriet Tubman ...
" said CCR Staff Attorney Pardiss Kebriaei, who presented arguments in the case. "The Supreme Court has repeatedly rejected the government's claim to an unchecked system of global detention, and the district court should similarly reject the administration's claim here to an unchecked system of...
" For the People (Newsletter of the Abraham Lincoln Association, Spring 2014. 529. "Stop the Presses: The Lincoln administration turned a blind eye to the First Amendment in the interest of national security," Civil War Times, December 2014. 530. "This is How Abraham Lincoln Played Politics...
The records were used by the Treasury and Justice Departments, Southern Claims Commission, Court of Claims, and congressional claims committees to determine whether the claimant had been loyal to the Union or had aided the Confederate government and thus not eligible for compensation. —— Document ...