Cambridge, Mass. 1989. Meyer, Jane/Farrow, Roman: Four women accuse New York's attorny general of sexual abuse. In: The New Yorker (07.05.2018), cuse-new-yorks-attorney-general-of-physical-abuse (12.12.2018). Misiak, Anna: The...
213. The detainee may avail himself of an attorney but states have no positive duty to secure legal assistance in pre-trial detention; E.g. ECtHR, 25/10/2007,-Lebedev v.Russia-, no4493/04, §§84 et seq.; the CanSCt has underlined the right to counsel according sec 10 (b) CanCH...
Is “Cambridge Philosophy” dead, in Cambridge? Can it be resurrected, there? Case Study: Renford Bambrough (& Subroto Roy) preceded by decades Cheryl Misak’s thesis on Wittgenstein being linked with Peirce via Ramsey… October 27, 2017 Physics & Reasoning (An Ongoing Tract) by Subroto Roy...
The great assent of the country to the words of Attorney-General HOAR’S touching message, in speaking of General RAWLINS –“a man so upright, able, and faithful” – shows how deep is the public sense of his loss. It shows also the sagacity of the President’s course in selecting for...
It is sad when you have to hire an attorney to talk to the superintendent of schools. We’ve gone through all the channels. It costs us a lot of money to protest. But we will see it through, regardless of what it costs.” The Magowans lost their lawsuit against Robert Dentler but ...
Is “Cambridge Philosophy” dead, in Cambridge? Can it be resurrected, there? Case Study: Renford Bambrough (& Subroto Roy) preceded by decades Cheryl Misak’s thesis on Wittgenstein being linked with Peirce via Ramsey… Economics as a Beautiful Subject: Its Concepts & Principles Explained for ...
Der Beitrag hebt hervor, dass eine Untersuchung der politischen Konstellationen um Trump nicht ohne Einbezug der feministischen Kämpfe und der gegenwärtigen politisch-diskursiven Entwicklungen um das Thema Sexismus und sexuelle Belästigung erörtert werden kann. Die Autorin analysiert, wie ...