training plans, and more for cadets and adults. Squadron Training Plans 24 months of ready-built meetings CAPVA 60-112 Cadet Key Performance Indicators How the Cadet Program measures success at each echelon Cadet News + Innovations Our annual newsletter reporting what's new and on the horizon ...
The Region Cadet Leadership Schools (RCLS) provide training to increase knowledge, skills, and attitudes as they pertain to leadership and management. To be eligible to attend, cadets must be serving in, or preparing to enter, cadet leadership positions within their squadron. RCLSs are conducted ...
The small Confederate river fleet that met Commodore Farragut’s squadron south of New Orleans on April 24, 1862 consisted of two gunboats and two ironclads under the command of the Confederate Navy, six lightly armed cottonclads and rams under the command of the Confederate Army, as well as...