问题: 如何创建三角网Civil 3D曲面 解决方案: 单击“常用”选项卡“创建地面数据”面板“曲面”下拉列表“创建曲面”“查找”。在“创建曲面”对话框的“类型”列表中,选择“三角网曲面”。 单击以选择图层。有关图层的详细信息,请参见“对象图层”对话框。 注意:如果
通过此新功能创建用户定义的曲线,可以在系统提示选择图形中的图元时选择缓和曲线或切线。八、“曲面”工作流中的新特性 1、添加了以下命令行命令,以从命令行处理曲面:-AddPointFile -AddSurfaceContours -AddSurfaceDemFile -AddSurfaceDrawingObjects -AddSurfacePointGroup -CreateSurface -CreateSurfaceComposite ...
Is it possible to create T fittings and elbows for Gravity Pipe Networks in Civil 3D using Part Generator or Infrastructure Part editor? Create T fittings and elbows for Gravity Pipe Networks in Civil 3D When publishing a Civil 3D Surface through Collaboration for Civil 3D to BIM 360, the...
问题: 如何在Civil 3D中创建特定特定坡度或坡率的曲面(例如墙)部分,以便可以与其他坡度组合。 解决方案: 要创建一系列坡度,请尝试以下方法之一: 手动一个,使用OFFSETFEATURE 创建新曲面。 选择多段线,即要素线的三维多段线。 键入OFFSETFEATURE。 输入距离或键入...
When extracting a solid from surfaces in Civil 3D, some solids fail to be created. The following message appears: Extract Solid from Surface No solid can be created based on surfaces <Surface1> and <Surface2>. Please specify other surfaces. Also, the...
Surface Rendering Hi there, I am trying to do a surface rendering of a subdivision with civil 3d. I know how to look at the TIN surface and rotate it to View the 3D model of the surface. When I view the surface I usually view it exaggerated 5 times . This all looks good but I...
問題: Civil 3Dサーフェス解析が作成されます。解析の各範囲の2Dまたは3D領域を計算および視覚化する方法 解決策: サーフェス解析で各範囲の2Dまたは3D面積を計算するには: 目的のサーフェスに既に解析が含まれていることを確認します。詳細は、「Civil 3D ヘ...
foreach (ObjectId surfaceId in SurfaceIds) { CivSurface oSurface = surfaceId.GetObject(OpenMode.ForRead) as CivSurface; editor.WriteMessage("Surface: {0} \n Type: {1}", oSurface.Name, oSurface.GetType().ToString()); } Note that there is also a Surface class in theAutodesk.AutoCAD....
In Toolspace, on the Prospector tab, expand the Surfaces collection, right-click the surface, and click Properties. In the Surface Properties dialog box, click the Statistics tab. To view the statistics for the surface, expand the corresponding category. ...
Move to the viewcube and select SE Isometric or some other 3D view (Step 1). Then change your visual style to shaded or something to view in 3D (Step 2). Rotate around in 3D and view the borings and the data. Notice how the colors separate the strata. Note: you can change the pa...