使用Civil 3D功能平滑曲面 选择曲面>键入SMOOTHSURFACE。 选择“平滑”方法。在本示例中,选择“自然插值”。按帮助可获取详细信息。在“点插值”下,通过单击值列>选择“曲面(面域或多边形)”来选择输出区域。 输入X间距。例如100英尺。间隔可以更小。 输入Y间距。例如100英尺。间隔可以更小。 如有必要,请指定栅...
如果你需要更改曲面的样式,比如更改等高线的颜色等等,在Civil 3D中,你可以通过在toolspace中选中曲面,然后点右键选择“Edit surface style…”然后切换到“Display” tab 来更改,: 下面的通过代码的方式使用API来实现同样的效果: [CommandMethod("MyGroup","SurfaceStyleExample", "SurfaceStyleExample",CommandFlags.Mod...
TINSurface23Dface 三角网曲面转换为3DFace 比较简单:炸开(Explode)两次 explode 炸第一次,会变成块 explode 炸第二次,成了3D face 3Dface2Mesh- 3DFace转换为Mesh 3Dface2surface-3Dface转换为Surface 利用CONVTOSSURFACE命令,把上面生成的3Dface转换为Surface, 要注意这个surface是AutoCAD里的surface和Civil 3D...
炸第二次,成了3Dface 3Dface2Mesh- 3DFace转换为Mesh 3Dface2surface-3Dface转换为Surface 利用CONVTOSSURFACE命令,把上面生成的3Dface转换为Surface,要注意这个surface是AutoCAD里的surface和Civil 3D里的surface(通常是TINsurface)不一样。 UNION联合 我们的目标是做...
利用CONVTOSSURFACE命令,把上面生成的3Dface转换为Surface,要注意这个surface是AutoCAD里的surface和Civil 3D里的surface(通常是TINsurface)不一样。 UNION联合 我们的目标是做一个整体的Mesh,现在生成了很多零散的surface,不是我们想要的,我们要通过 UNION把它们整合,我选取了少量的3dface,大概1200多个,生成了一个新的...
surfaceStyle.ContourStyle.SmoothContours =true; surfaceStyle.ContourStyle.SmoothingType =ContourSmoothingType.AddVertices; surfaceStyle.ContourStyle.SmoothingFactor = 10; surfaceStyle.ContourStyle.MajorContourColorScheme =ColorSchemeType.Rainbow; //Major contour, red ...
but it seems to not be here anymore. Now it is back. Currently we have to export to AutoCAD and we then use a third-party product to make a 3D PDF that can be read in Adobe Reader. I don't like the way that 3D DWFs smooth surfaces as they then don't represent my design proper...
Select the surface, select Edit Surface, then Smooth Surface. There are two methods for smoothing the surface available - both of which are heavily discussed online, in videos, and on these forums. This method will interpolate points between your contours and generate new TIN li...
The GUI of the tabs is identical to the one from the standalone module, offering the user the same smooth experience. After the geometrical configuration is set, the Design Settings must be checked to make sure everything is according to the user project. ...
The GUI of the tabs is identical to the one from the standalone module, offering the user the same smooth experience. After the geometrical configuration is set, the Design Settings must be checked to make sure everything is according to the user project. ...