问题: 处理包含曲面、三维多段线、三维面、等高线等的大型(数据密集型)图形时,Civil 3D 速度缓慢。性能低下(可能导致程序挂起或崩溃)可能会影响以下一项或多项: 尝试将光标悬停在曲面或三维多段线中的图元上或者选择这些图元(使用选择或交叉窗口)。 选择外部参照 (
问题: 使用Civil 3D时,应用程序和系统性能很差。 打开特定图形时,任务管理器中的“系统”进程显示CPU使用率较高。 铬处理显示CPU使用率较高。 退出Civil 3D会将系统进程恢复为正常状态。 解决方案: 实施以下文章中概述的系统更改:运行AutoCAD产品时“系统”CPU使用率较
Performance when using the Change Band Set selection tool in the Section View Group Properties dialog box has been improved. Opening a Civil 3D 2010 drawing containing the OverlayAndMill subassembly in Civil 3D 2012 no longer results in a display issue with the section views. Cross Sections The...
Answer day - Civil 3D performance vs games Hi I've long wondered why Civil 3D requires so much power in terms of both CPU, GPU and Memory when moden PC games can achieve so much more with less hardware. The data used in typical C3D models are (when broken down) mostly different ...
My question was ‘Does this apply to Civil 3d files, and will we see better file open performance? As you know, time to open Civil 3d files is a frequent source of user frustration. Those of us who have used Civil 3d for a long time can remember some drawings which are slow, so ...
One drawback of Civil 3D in my case is its tendency to experience performance issues with large file sizes. This makes it difficult for me to work with complex projects with detailed surfaces, alignments, and point clouds; the software can slow down a bit or even cause my laptop to freeze...
Hi, I'm using CIVIL 3D 2018 for my work. Be frank, i'm not satisfied with this software on the performance side. While using certain command and sometimes during the usage Civil 3D getting stucks. In the processes it shows that CIVIL 3D power usage is very high and cpu usage is belo...
This service pack includes all previous hotfixes for AutoCAD Civil 3D 2012. The AutoCAD 2012 Performance Slowdown Hotfix is also included in this service pack.You can also use Communication Center to install the Live Update Maintenance Patches, which will automatically show the correct service pack ...
问题: 从Civil 3D打开或保存特定文件到BIM 360(通过Desktop Connector)时,完成任务需要很长时间。项目中的其他图形不受性能下降的影响。 环境: 该项目使用BIM 360 Design功能Collaboration for Civil 3D。 支持此功能的最低软件版本是Civil 3D 2020.2(含AutoCAD 2020.