问题: 如何在 AutoCAD Map 3D 和 Civil 3D 中将在一个坐标系中定义的图形对象转换到另一个坐标系。 原因: 原因可能包括: 跨不同坐标系进行数据整合。 项目的坐标系已更改,需要更新图形。 解决方案: 打开现有图形。...
问题: 如何在 Civil 3D 和 Map 三维中创建自定义坐标系的变换。 原因: 将创建新的用户定义坐标系,但不进行转换。 解决方案: 需要对现有坐标系或用户定义的坐标系使用不同的变换方法。 示例: 7 个参数替代 6 个参数、网格转换代替 Molodensky 数据转...
How to move drawing content to a different coordinate system with AutoCAD Map 3D or Civil 3D. The following video demonstrates the process of transformation from one coordinates system to another. The general workflow is as follows (assuming the existing
How to to assign a coordinate system in Map 3D or Civil 3D drawing. Follow bellow solutions to assign coordinate systems in Map 3D or Civil 3D: Drawing Settings Open the Settings tab in the Toolspace. Right-click on the DWG and "Edit drawing settings". S
I am trying to use the ESRI plugin to bring in maps for use with civil layouts. I have included a screencast to illustrate the problem. In the screencast, I show that I have my coordinate system set, I show how my Bing map comes in properly, and then show me using my ESRI account...
How to export the points elevation in relation to the profile elevation for a given station in Civil 3D How to export the points elevation in relation to the profile elevation for a given station in Civil... Property values for the objects property sets are empty when exporting a drawing...
Autodesk Civil 3D is civil infrastructure design and documentation software. Buy a Civil 3D subscription from the official Autodesk store or a reseller.
Command to Create Surface from Point Cloud in Civil 3D Just like with InfraWorks, I created these surfaces so they would max out the data that was available. In the command, I did not change the settings for the number of points being used or the area to use (I had already cropped ou...
Move to the viewcube and select SE Isometric or some other 3D view (Step 1). Then change your visual style to shaded or something to view in 3D (Step 2). Rotate around in 3D and view the borings and the data. Notice how the colors separate the strata. Note: you can change the pa...
Change Management The construction site layout plan can be displayed very easily with Allplan. Thanks to the 3D elements and the linking of sections and floor plans, changes no longer result in significant effort as they are automatically adopted. ...