有关详细信息,请参见 Civil 3D 帮助:管理数据快捷方式的步骤。 请考虑使用 ManageDataShortcuts 命令将数据参照对象重新链接到数据快捷方式项目。 重建有问题的数据快捷方式 在“工具空间”的“浏览”选项卡上,右键单击对象名称,然后单击“删除”。 在...
When using eTransmit on Civil 3D drawings containing Data Shortcut references the Source Files of the data shortcuts, the shortcuts folder, and the shortcuts XML are not included. Is it possible use eTransmit with Data Shortcuts? I have read online, and even sheet screenshots (in older vers...
Check that the shortcuts folder is pointing to the same Working Folder. See step 1 from the previous section. Associate the drawing to the current Data Shortcut Project folder (verify that the project name is displayed in the Civil 3D program title bar) Expand the Surfaces shortcu...
It would be a time-saver to have keyboard shortcuts that zoomed to the beginning (often the left edge) and end (often the right edge) of a graph. Bonus points if you can customize the shortcut and set different zoom points. This is logged under Civil 3D, but generally applies to ...
In Civil 3D, use the Set Working Folder command to set the working folder to match the working folder in Autodesk Docs that was specified when the data shortcut project was created. Use the Set Data Shortcuts Project Folder command to select the data shortcut project. Create data short...
cad中,直接按住文本,可以拖动其位置 mleader会出带箭头的文本,两个可以一起移动 selectionannodisplay (0,1)控制annotative的文本选中是否出不同的大小 listavailablepointnumbers, listusedpointnumbers reportsurfacevolume undo--mark--{working}---undo--back ...
Create Data Reference entity at host drawing according to host database, source database entity name of source drawing and Data Shortcut entity type. Namespace: Autodesk.Civil.DataShortcutsAssembly: AeccDataShortcutMgd (in AeccDataShortcutMgd.dll) Version: Syntax C# public static ...
This class will cover how to effectively set up an AutoCAD Civil 3D software project. To manage the size and stability of an AutoCAD Civil 3D software project, we will focus on using data shortcuts and external references in a workflow that makes drawings more manageable. This class will...
使用Collaboration for Civil 3D时,Civil 3D浏览中缺少某些数据快捷方式。 原因:Desktop Connector v.,其中只有同步的数据快捷方式会显示在Civil 3D浏览中。 解决方案: 安装最新版本的Desktop Connector,其中包含此问题的修复。...
Utilized the existingPipeNetworkSyncModesystem variable to control when you are notified to synchronize pressure network parts in addition to gravity networks when they are changed by data shortcuts. 0 = Notifies to synchronize when the geometry changes ...