如何使用Civil 3D从显示为三维面的三角网三角形创建曲面。解决方案:若要从三维面创建曲面,请创建三维面的边界并从该边界创建曲面轮廓。运行LINEWORKSHRINKWRAP命令,然后选择需要从其创建曲面的所有三维面。这将在未来的曲面周围创建多段线。在Home功能区中,单击Create Ground Data,然后单击Surfaces > Create Surfac...
通过此新功能创建用户定义的曲线,可以在系统提示选择图形中的图元时选择缓和曲线或切线。八、“曲面”工作流中的新特性 1、添加了以下命令行命令,以从命令行处理曲面:-AddPointFile -AddSurfaceContours -AddSurfaceDemFile -AddSurfaceDrawingObjects -AddSurfacePointGroup -CreateSurface -CreateSurfaceComposite ...
这个问题只出现在某些模板当中,比如Autodesk Civil 3D (Metric) NCS.dwt模板文件当中,但如果使用其他模板文件,比如:acadiso.dwt文件,则能正常显示 直觉应该是创建曲面的设置出了问题,我们来检查一下: 在设定曲面-> 命令-> CreateSurface-> 编辑命令设定->默认样式-> 渲染材质 检查一下默认设置,找到原因了。现在...
Autodesk Civil 3D enables you to connect directly to a GIS datastore and import GIS data, such as contours and point collections, without any intermediate data or file conversion. Click Home tabCreate Ground Data panelSurfaces drop-downCreate Surface From GIS Data . On the Object Opti...
问题: 如何创建三角网Civil 3D曲面 解决方案: 单击“常用”选项卡“创建地面数据”面板“曲面”下拉列表“创建曲面”“查找”。在“创建曲面”对话框的“类型”列表中,选择“三角网曲面”。 单击以选择图层。有关图层的详细信息,请参见“对象图层”对话框。 注意:如果
I am a beginner at Civil, read the help files did the tutorials. Trying to create a surface with an exisitng drawing with 3D polylines. Trying to
-CreateSurface -CreateSurfaceComposite -EditSurfacePaste -MinimizeSurfaceFlatAreas -SimplifySurface ChangeSurfaceStyle 软件特色 1、交付更多创新性项目设计方案 AutoCAD Civil 3D提供了设计、分析土木工程项目并制作相关文档的更好方法。 AutoCAD Civil 3D软件支持您更快速地交付更高质量的交通、土地开发和环...
Moreover I have a 3D dwg xref file attached into Civil 3d. I want that floor of the 3d model is going to be a Surface for the pipe network. Is there anyway to create Surface from floor of the building ? Thanks in advance! Shafiq Report 0 Likes Reply ...
The SettingsCmdCreateSurfaceSettingsCmdSurfaceCreation type exposes the following members. Properties NameDescription CutFactor Gets the cut factor. DefaultType Gets the default surface type that is used when creating a surface. FillFactor Gets the fill factor. GridSurfaceOrientation Gets the default...