civil3d2024新特性 一、部件工作流新特性 1、在 Project Explorer 中新增了用于部件的类别选项卡。2、增加了以下功能:无需使用工具选项板,直接将 Subassembly Composer 中创建的 PKT 文件导入图形中。在“浏览”树中的“部件”节点上单击鼠标右键,然后选择“导入到图形”。3、增加了以下功能:通过“浏览”树中的...
问题: 如何创建三角网Civil 3D曲面 解决方案: 单击“常用”选项卡“创建地面数据”面板“曲面”下拉列表“创建曲面”“查找”。在“创建曲面”对话框的“类型”列表中,选择“三角网曲面”。 单击以选择图层。有关图层的详细信息,请参见“对象图层”对话框。 注意:如果
Autodesk AutoCAD Civil 3D 2024,简称Civil 3D 2024。这是一款专业的土木工程设计和绘图软件,结合了AutoCAD的功能和工程设计工具,主要涉及到公路、铁路、管网以及堤坝等方面,也支持建筑信息建模(BIM)技术,能够有效进行土木工程设计以及施工文档编制等方面的工作。
jump to create intermediate entities. I would like that Civil 3D was more direct in some functions, for example. We have to create a huge quantity of entities (corridor feature lines, extract border of the surface,etc..) and I think that we can avoid (jump) these extra steps. I would...
line/parcel segment labels I believe the older versions of Civil 3d had the ability to rotate parcel segment labels. When the label was selected one of the gripes had options one of which was to rotate the individual parcel segment label. I used that feature often. Put it back in! Charles...
Obtain feature lines from a surface or relative to a surface, so feature lines update with changes to the surface.Dynamic offset profilesCreate dynamic offset profiles using a default cross slope. Modify them by editing the profile properties.Connected alignmentsCreate a new dynamically linked ...
如何在Civil 3D中编辑横断面图中的曲面? 解决方案:在横断面图中编辑曲面的步骤:使用现有道路或在特定曲面上创建道路。设置道路采样的所需频率。选择道路,然后打开“道路横断面编辑器”。打开所需的道路横断面。在新图层上,在将表示曲面纵断面中所需更改的横断面中绘制直线或多段线。 关闭...
Autodesk Civil 3D enables you to connect directly to a GIS datastore and import GIS data, such as contours and point collections, without any intermediate data or file conversion. Click Home tabCreate Ground Data panelSurfaces drop-downCreate Surface From GIS Data . On the Object Opti...
How to create a surface from TIN triangles displayed as 3D faces using Civil 3D. To create a surface from 3D Faces, create a boundary outlining 3D faces and create surface from it. Run the LINEWORKSHRINKWRAP command and select all 3D Faces from which the
Stability when grip editing a Feature Line has been improved. Creating Feature Lines from objects when the objects are overlapping closed polylines no longer causes the application to close unexpectedly. General/Other The stability of the Audit command has been improved. ...