In addition to the Type R symbol and red H-badge that signify the connection to our performance heritage, the sleek grille features gloss-black accents that coordinate with the rear spoiler and diffuser to carve out a unique identity.
頂級烤漆費用為$455。Civic Type R款式可選配。 由於全球供應緊繃,部分款式與顏色組合目前可能無法提供。請洽當地經銷商以瞭解更多資訊。 配置 特色 性能 抱歉,您的瀏覽器不支援內嵌影片。 抱歉,您的瀏覽器不支援內嵌影片。 所示車款為Rallye Red色和Championship White色。* ...
Civic Type R 将有五种醒目的颜色可供选择:Historic Championship White、Rallye Red、Boost Blue、Crystal Black Pearl 和 Sonic Grey Pearl。 内装部分同样维持标准车型的设定,Type R 标志性的红色赛车座椅、地毯和饰版通通都包含在内...
这个“旷世巨作”的代号为“Project P”,全车由本田Swindon(HUM)工厂内的 Synchro Motorsport 团队所改装,工程师以 Rallye Red 色调的 FK8 Civic Type R 为基础,将B柱以后全部挖空,并加入金属货斗与后方防滚杆,尾门更采用类似早期MINI的半掀式设计,并且保留FK2开始传承的大型尾翼。虽然外观改得夸张,但“...
专为Type R开发的265mm宽胎与轻量化铝圈 至于外观颜色选择,除了作为Type R品牌代表性性颜色的Historic Championship White冠军白之外,还新增了索尼 Grey Pearl音速珍珠灰的车色。(其余车色为Rallye Red、Boost Blue、Crystal Black Pearl)这具后尾翼是由压铸铝制成的轻量化材质 内装部分也同样也用上了Type R...
2022年7月21日,本田全新一代Civic Type R正式亮相,继美规版动力与配置细节揭晓后,日规版也于近日在日本市场正式发布,更邀得F1赛车手、Red Bull车队的Max Verstappen参与宣传影片的拍摄。 相较于美规车型,日规版Civic Type R在性能上有所提升,同时强调了低矮、宽体的外观设计以增强冷却效率,并配备了HONDA Sensing安...
Model #: JDM Ep3 Civic Type R Red Recaro Seats Retail Price: $999.99 Our Price: $0.00 You Save $999.99 (100%) out of stockJDM Ep3 Civic Type R Red Recaro Seats. Red with black stitching. Seat rails / Sliders are included. Adjustable forward, back, etc. Sold as a pair right and ...
The XCarToys 1/64 Honda Civic Type-r (fl5) Red Alloy Diecast Model Car is an excellent choice. It's not just a toy; it's a piece of art that can be admired and appreciated by anyone who loves cars. The model's compact size makes it an ideal gift for any occasion, from birthdays...
中央娱乐资讯触控萤幕还内建的Honda LogR数据记录功能能即时监测与纪录车辆于赛道行驶时的性能参数,娱乐资讯系统也整合了无线Apple CarPlay与Android连接功能,而其他高阶配备还包含了智慧型手机无线充电板以及Bose Centerpoint音响系统。 美规2023年式Honda Civic Type R上市后将提供Championship White冠军白、Rallye Red红...
In addition to the Type R symbol and red H-badge that signify the connection to our performance heritage, the sleek grille features gloss-black accents that coordinate with the rear spoiler and diffuser to carve out a unique identity.