Georgia (Tamar) 4 5 6 7 8 4 34 C Vietnam (Bà Triệu) 7 6 8 4 4 4 33 D Indonesia (Gitarja) 6 6 5 7 4 5 33 D Germany (Frederick Barbarossa) 8 7 6 4 2 6 33 D Rome (Trajan) 7 6 6 4 4 6 33 D Sweden (Kristina) 4 6 8 3 8 4 33 D Canada (Wilfrid Laurier)...
The example is a new T-34 tank unit model. Although the information here is for a new unit, the information should be relevant for other model types (Improvements, Wonders, Resources, Leaders, etc). Eventually I will try and create an example ModBuddy for each type. Other 3D Art Examples...
Some modifiertypes have "legal" requirements coded to them. Take the code for the Unit Ability: Anti-Cavalry Combat Bonus Code: <Types> <Row Type="ABILITY_ANTI_CAVALRY" Kind="KIND_ABILITY"/> </Types> <TypeTags> <Row Type="ABILITY_ANTI_CAVALRY" Tag="CLASS_ANTI_CAVALRY"/> </TypeTags>...
Any airplane may use its Air Strike ability within its operational range to attack a land unit or city. It will leave base, perform the attack, then return to base. Note that the attacking airplane is prone to a retaliation attack from its target - all unit types can retaliate, including...
ResourceTypeUnit:GetX() ResourceTypeUnit:GetY() The initial version of this page was created by the Civ5 API Bot, see theCiv5 API Reference FAQ. Some of the texts come from the 2kgames' wiki and most of code samples are copyrighted to Firaxis. ...
Function: Fast moving unit. Cheap. Does well in battle against cavalry. Special: Not able to capture. Bonus vs. wild animals, cavalry, and support units (females, healers, traders). CAVALRY Generic Name: Raiding Cavalry Specific Name: Marcacos Class: Cavalry Javelinist. Ranged Armament...
UnitUpgradeCostMod Int64 --Experience Int64 --GlobalExperience Int64 --FoodKept Int64 --Airlift Int64 --AirModifier Int64 --NukeModifier Int64 --NukeExplosionRand Int64 --HealRateChange Int64 --Happiness Int64 --UnmoddedHappiness Int64 --UnhappinessModifier Int64 --HappinessPerCity Int64 --Happiness...
City growth now gives different types of colonists depending on the people that work in the city (free/forced laborers, ancestry) Slaves will sometimes not run away, but start an armed rebellion against their oppression in the colonies Several new units have been added (buccaneer, slave overseer...
@@ -29,9 +33,6 @@ from civrealm.freeciv.utils.fc_types import VUT_UTYPE, VUT_IMPROVEMENT CURRENT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) class LLMWrapper(Wrapper): """ A wrapper for llm. It tells the surrounding observations of each unit and city extracted from Freeciv...
Unit_Buildings CIV5Buildingscontains the definitions of the Buildings used in this table Unit_Buildings Table NameTypeReference UnitTypeTextUnit(Types) BuildingTypeTextBuildings(Type) Unit_BuildingClassRequireds CIV5BuildingClassescontains the definitions of the BuildingClasses used in this table ...