Civ6: Real Strategy Real Natural Disasters Real Tech Tree Real Building Upgrades Real Eurekas Real Era Stop Real Science Pace Real Great Musicians Civ6 UI: Real Great People Better Report Screen Better Tech Tree Better Civilopedia Better Loading Screen Real Era Tracker Civ5 VP: Enlightenment Era...
Feb 27, 2021 #6 Infixo updated Real Governor Inspector (UI) with a new update entry: Version 1.3 Real Era Stop Version 1.3 - Added compatibility with Real Era Stop mod. You can now safely use RGI even when whole eras are gone from the game. Read the rest of this update entry.....
The real solution would be for you to own up to your mistake and only use your mod against proGUI players. Edited October 9, 2023 by real_tabasco_sauce 2 Quote chrstgtr Balancing Advisors 1,1k Posted October 9, 2023 You're pretending that you're helping, but no one asked you ...
Real-Time Strategy Machinima Series. An independently owned, operated and non-commercial operation ). INTERNAL PAGES 1 Civilization II: Overview - CivFanatics Main Page / News. Civ5 Hall Of Fame. Game of the Month. Game of the Month. Game ...
This is the repository where the mod resides. . Contribute to We-the-People-civ4col-mod/Mod development by creating an account on GitHub.
Your borders never shrink due to culture. Culture represents your influence over the lands surrounding your cities and can expand your borders, but the only real way for your borders to shrink is if the borders of a nearby city with higher culture expand and “push you back” so to speak....
With GalCiv III v1.0, we basically had to start from scratch which was a real bitter pill, especially given that I had spent oner a decade on the GalCiv OS/2 and Windows I/II AI tech which had to be rewritten. For those who don't already have GalCiv III, now is the best time...
mod) - feeder service threshold change to supply construction - import/export window now has buttons to set and clear multiple yields with one click (like clear all) - autoexport to turn off export when there is nothing to export (no real gameplay change, but should prevent a late game ...
I was playing PTW online with 3 other people in a turnless game. I decided to check out my palace, but I didn’t want to spend too much time there because I would miss some turns. I just started clicking around real fast to make the palace appear and it messed up because the top...
Then i considered the ability to attach modifiers to anything in game and define their effect in a unified table and hoped it would open plenty of possibilities for modding, thinking maybe this time they really built their game to be modable as they claimed. However, upon closer inspection, ...