NameTraitsImproved ByHarvest YieldRequirement Bananas+1FoodPlantation+25FoodIrrigation Cattle+1FoodPasture+25FoodAnimal Husbandry Copper+2GoldMine+50GoldMining Crabs+2GoldFishing Boats+50GoldCelestial Navigation Deer+1ProductionCamp+25ProductionAnimal Husbandry ...
As time passed men realized that they could chart the passage of the seasons with extreme accuracy by the rise and fall of the stars, eventually concluding that such information was critically useful when choosing the correct day to plant or harvest crops. Such revelations reinforced the ...
But the really labor intensive part remains the harvest. And without that harvest, the farmers fail. But that harvest is very hard on the workers. And so needs very hard workers. But there also isn't a lot of extra money there, so wages can't rise too much. Reactions: Birdjaguar C...
airport, or harbor. If you consider that the culture of your civilization directly impacts the reach of your borders (and therefore your ability to harvest resources and luxuries), you begin to see how interconnected the culture, trade, diplomacy, and combat systems are in...
ANCIENT Era BananasCattle CopperCrabs DeerFish RiceSheep StoneWheat CitrusCocoa CoffeeCotton DiamondsDyes FursGypsum IncenseIvory JadeMarble MercuryPearls SaltSilk SilverSpices SugarTea TobaccoTruffles WhalesWine CinnamonCloves HorsesIron RENAISSANCE Era