Special Project which provides +1 additional Amenities Amenity while developed and earns Engineer Great Engineer, Merchant Great Merchant, Writer Great Writer, Artist Great Artist, & Musician Great Musician points upon completion. Culture 5 Brazil / Pedro II LA Magnanimous Recruiting or patronizing a ...
+6 Culture to each city in civ Game mode Natural wonders Wonder, Miscellaneous Competition Resources One of the big things any civ should be striving towards in Civilization VIis to make sure you have discovered some Wonders in your civilization. The Forbidden City is the wonder most ...
Gemma Wilcock is a freelance writer and copywriter. At Mumsnet, she creates content providing useful parenting advice, information and top products to make life easier – as a mother of two children herself, Gemma knows how important it is to get the right advice. Gemma loves writing about sub...
He talks about how Germany lost because the tide of the world is against Germany. Bolshevism is a new world order led by workers. Claims that communism is bound to happen, the direction the world is going, "a great, irresistible force." 14 Points Speech President Wilson set down 14 ...
* Added support for policies that provide free Great People * Online Panel now displays TOTAL downloads for a mod and not just the downloads for that specific version. * When you click on a mod in the online browser, you may now use a dropdown to select a previous version. ...