Korea / Seondeok LA Hwarang Cities with an established Governor receive +3% Culture and +3% Science for each promotion that Governor has. Science 8 Korea UA Three Kingdoms Farms receive +1 Food and Mines receive +1 Science if adjacent to a Seowon. Science 8 Korea UD Seowon Campus replacemen...
Governor Liang's "Reinforced Materials" promotion now also prevents damage to city HP and walls HP from natural disasters. Power Changing the rules for which Power Plant resources are used first. Uranium, as the most power-efficient resource (16 power per unit), will now always be used befor...
Statue of governor now also adds cross production Gather boats can no longer trade with natives New game option to remove world builder The king's requests for gold now depends on multiple factors like population and isn't just a percentage of your stored gold ...
SpecialistType="SPECIALIST_MERCHANT"; SpecialistCount=1; PortraitIndex=50; WonderSplashAnchor="R,T"; IconAtlas="BW_ATLAS_1";}; BUILDING_SATRAPS_COURT={ Description=[=[Satrap's Court]=]; Civilopedia=[=[A "satrap" is the title of a provisional governor in the Achaemenian Empire of Persi...
This is the repository where the mod resides. . Contribute to We-the-People-civ4col-mod/Mod development by creating an account on GitHub.
Run your own workers: the automated workers will build way too many farms. Build no more than 2 farms per city; build cottages (which generate cash) everywhere you can. If you really want to automate, at least tell the governor (on the city screen) to emphasize gold production. ...
forces, in conjunction with contingents of the security forces of several neighbouring Caribbean states, invaded the independent state of Grenada on October 25 in response to an appeal from the governor general and to a request for assistance from the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States. The ...
Cannot build the first Trade Route until the start of the Medieval era. Can build the Fishery improvement without requiring a governor. Every era after the dawn of the Industrial era, receive a free Spy slot, a free Spy unit, and all Spies conduct offensive missions as if they were 1 lev...
- New units: Small and big coastal ship - Change of some unit graphics - New promotions - Implementation of a new achievement "The Governor arrives" - Balancing of field workers done - Great General, Great Admiral and Great Chief now have full combat animations - New late cityset for ...