Version 1.0 Official release Jan 27, 2019 Version 1.0 The mod is feature complete. More development after Gathering Storm is released. - Added: Lua script to manually activate GWAMs in case they get stuck (and they do, quite often). - Added: Boosted priority of Air attacks in AllowedMove...
Civilization None Civ IV Warlords Beyond the Sword Colonization(Total conversion) Civ V Gods & Kings Brave New World Beyond Earth Rising Tide Civ VI Rise and Fall Gathering Storm New Frontier Pass Leader Pass Civ VII
Firaxis Livestream: Gathering Storm Hungary See the Livestream today anddiscuss what you see in this thread. Edit: check out the archived video here:
Since the Gathering Storm release patch, map sizes larger than "Enormous" will crash in late game (this also affect R&F and vanilla civ6) For all size above "Enormous", I'd suggest to lower the textures size in the video option and remove leaders animation as the game use almost all the...
The two larger expansions, Rise and Fall and Gathering Storm, go a long way to fleshing out the Civ 6 experience. Rise and Falladds the Loyalty mechanic, where a city exerts influence over its surrounding settlements – the strength of this influence depends on several factors such as populat...
Civ 6 Rise and Fall Sid Meier's Civilization VIExpansion Pack Release Date:February 8, 2018 Strategy,economic,turn-based,4X,sandbox,isometric view,war strategy,multiplayer,singleplayer,hot seat,internet 8.3 OpenCritic Rate It! An expansion for the sixth installment of the legendary strategy game se...
Supports New Frontier, Gathering Storm, Rise & Fall, the base game and all DLC Supports Ley Lines with Secret Societies mode Map Options Resource Exclusion Zones: Semi-random real world resource placement. Resources are placed in regions based on where they appear in the real world ...
Works with the base game, Rise & Fall, Gathering Storm,CQUI, CQUI-Lite. Language independent. Should work with any modded civ or any other mod that adds unique items. On the screenshots: -Real Building Upgrades(new unique buildings), ...
It's a good thing I did lots of testing before release (which is not always the case - sorry!), because it passed with flying colors. I'm glad, too, because it did exactly what it was supposed to, and we were getting attacked by everyone after our second ...
Simple Unit Balance 1.0 for Gathering Storm Strategic Industry 1.0 for Fun Pure24 Warlord Joined Jun 24, 2019 Messages 191 Aug 4, 2020 #47 Remove the production malus, and then add two bonuses; +20% production towards builders, and Maya can build farms on hills [from turn 1] That wo...