you need to have a deep knowledge of the mechanics of the game and to have a clear victory goal in your mind. On top of that, you have to be very
There are 6 standard victory conditions: Domination: 66% of the land AND populationConquest: defeat all other civilizationsDiplomatic: be elected Secretary General of the United NationsSpace Ship: build all 10 required spaceship partsHistographic: have the highest score at the end of the gameCultura...
Get 3 cities of level 6 and you win a cultural victory. Also note that a city actually has a cultural value and cultural radius for every player in the game. However, unless a player has actually owned a city at some point, their culture for that city is zero. If they are not the...
you could send in reinforcements instantly and annihilate all the invading enemy units. On the other hand, you could use all your military units in attacking enemy cities on the same continent. Victory is almost guaranteed.
Victory Condition: Domination (though all victory conditions must be enabled) Difficulty: Monarch Starting Era: Ancient Map Size: Small Speed: Normal Map Type: Oasis Civ: Egypt (Hatshepsut) Opponents: Must include Byzantium (Justinian), Greece (Pericles) Version: 3.19.003 or 3.19.004b Date: ...
There are 6 standard victory conditions: Domination: 66% of the land AND population Conquest: defeat all other civilizations Diplomatic: be elected Secretary General of the United Nations Space Ship: build all 10 required spaceship parts Histographic: have the highest score at the end of the...