Clearly, different leaders have different strengths and weaknesses, and when you compound other elements of this gameplay (such as which victory condition you are pursuing, or which pantheon you should select), this game becomes all the more complex… which prompted us to prepare this Civ 6 Tie...
Consider contributing to the Language translations for leader sayings thread! Have an idea for a new civilization? Consider posting in the Design your own Civ VI civ thread! Want to analyze the historicity of Civ VI leaders and civs? Consider posting an analysis with citations in the ...
Civilization 6 victory conditions There are several victory conditions each with their own unique objectives. In cases where none of the civs achieve any of the five main conditions, the winner is instead chosen based on their score, itself based on an amalgam of achievements from the number of...
Back to the list of leaders Mohandas Gandhi (2 October 1869 – 30 January 1948) was the ideological leader of the Indian Independence movement. He leads the Indians in Civilization V. Gandhi speaks Modern Hindi. (Though his first language was Gujarati, h
Miscellaneous Competition Resources One of the big things any civ should be striving towards in Civilization VIis to make sure you have discovered some Wonders in your civilization. The Forbidden City is the wonder most associated with a victory of any kind. However, since passable wonders alter ...
The term is somewhat anachronistic, dating back to a time when most countries were ruled by kings or other hereditary leaders. Nowadays modern rulers live in ornate buildings called something like "the People's House" or "the Place of Justice," but the effect is the same. Palaces (and ...
Civilization 6 has grown into a blockbuster hit since release. The game builds on mechanics you’ll be familiar with from previous iterations – yes, the goal is still to spread your influence and/or giant death robots across the map to achieve victory, but Civ 6 has introduced additional me...
If Teddy or Pericles are getting uppity that you’re courting that city-state you need for your culture victory, guess what? They can go shove it. You live on this board too, and you shouldn’t let the AI leaders’ personalities bully you out of playing the way you want to. If it ...
Prestige Victory.A new victory condition has been created. Players earn points based on how well they’re doing. If they get enough points, they win. This largely eliminates the “I’ve won the game already but I have to spend another 4 hours conquering everyone.” ...
Those can be the key to reach a diplomacy threshould or to get more time to prepare for a war. If you want to win an alliance victory they should be valuable."Independence. -15% decay rate. Meh." This is an ongoing effect that should be very strong if I am not wrong. Old-Spider...