Civ 6 Tier List: Best Leaders and Civilizations by Victory Condition So firstly, before you jump up and down screaming how “Gold” is not a victory condition: we know. However, Gold is one of those elements in the game that can substantially boost your path towards any victory type if ...
Back to the list of leaders Mohandas Gandhi (2 October 1869 – 30 January 1948) was the ideological leader of the Indian Independence movement. He leads the Indians in Civilization V. Gandhi speaks Modern Hindi. (Though his first language was Gujarati, h
You have achieved victory... Note: There is one more sentence in the Defeat scene, but for the life of me, I can't make out the words, and neither can my father. I believe the in-game subtitles (may your reign be peaceful...) is accurate, at least in spirit. Intro: I am ...
Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Data/Civ5/GK/Buildings/doc --[Field] [Type] --Type String --Description String --Civilopedia String --Strategy String --Help String --Quote String --GoldMaintenance Int64 --MutuallyExclusiveGroup Int64 --TeamShare Boolean --Water ...
Those can be the key to reach a diplomacy threshould or to get more time to prepare for a war. If you want to win an alliance victory they should be valuable."Independence. -15% decay rate. Meh." This is an ongoing effect that should be very strong if I am not wrong. Old-Spider...
Miscellaneous Competition Resources One of the big things any civ should be striving towards in Civilization VIis to make sure you have discovered some Wonders in your civilization. The Forbidden City is the wonder most associated with a victory of any kind. However, since passable wonders alter ...
Prestige Victory.A new victory condition has been created. Players earn points based on how well they’re doing. If they get enough points, they win. This largely eliminates the “I’ve won the game already but I have to spend another 4 hours conquering everyone.” ...
I didn't realize this until I started doing the research for the scenario, they had this crazy plan that they were going to build a rail line from Cape Town all the way to Cairo. That's not a victory condition. You don't have to do that to win. But we put it in as an achieve...
Limit Turns – this changes when the game will end to enable a Score victory By Game Speed – The game ends at 2050 AD, meaning the numbers of turns is governed by how fast your game is set. Custom – A specific number of turns to get ahead. ...
the Suevi had a foot in both camps. They made a foray across the Rhine as the leaders of a small confederation of Germanic tribes. There they became involved in Gaulish and Roman politics, before being forced back into the area that was becoming known as Germania. Following this, they dr...