The article titled "Tithing in the city of Orihuela in the Middle Ages. Conflicts surrounding the collection of the tribute in a border ecclesiastical territory" analyzes the political and religious conflicts between the crowns of Castile and Aragon in Orihuela during the late me...
BASTIONES DE TRADICIN. CIUDADES Y ARISTOCRACIAS URBANAS EN LA ALTA EDAD MEDIA ASTURLEONESA (SIGLOS IX-XI)doi:10.6018/medievalismo.551251OVIEDO (Spain)CITIES & townsGROUP identityMIDDLE AgesURBAN studiesThe article reviews the book "Bastions of Tradition. Cities ...
Political participation in the medieval urban world has been limited to the analysis of the group controlling the decision-making process. It is a partially correct approach that considers the role played in these processes by the lineages controlling the core of domination. But it ...