This suggests that Wi-Fi around station has a positive impact of as much as $23,000 per year from the viewpoint of the triple bottom line. Sustainability 2016, 8, 206 14 of 18 other positive values. This means that the impact of Wi‐Fi around...
A strategic view on smart city technology: The case of IBM Smarter Cities during a recession. Technol. Forcast. Soc. Chang. 2014, 89, 262–272. [CrossRef] 27. Dirks, S.; Keeling, M.; Dencik, J. How Smart is Your City?: Helping Cities Measure Progress; IBM Global Business Services:...
As result, it was verified that, even from the economic point of view, connecting the solar power generation capacity from the zero-energy perspective considering the consumer's power consumption amount is more effective than connecting the maximum solar power generation capacity according to the ...
Then, an interactive Graphical User Interface (GUI) is built observing the principle of cartographic standards to view, manage, understand and explore different simulation outputs at multiple spatial (3D surface of buildings) and temporal (hourly, daily, monthly) resolutions. In this regard, multiple...
Meanwhile, it is urgent to explore the ideas, methods, and paths of the Tibetan people's response to the native and local cultural diversity, heterogeneity, as well as sustainable development. In view of that, this paper underlines the Tibetans' cultural adaptive types, differences, and its ...