澳洲 新西兰 搜索 扫一扫下载 首页 留学申请 北美中心 找学校 查专业 看攻略 英国 澳洲 美国 日本 新西兰 新加坡 测测专业申请成功率 MSc Economics 经济学 学位类型:Msc 专业方向:经济金融 所属学校:City University of London(伦敦城市大学) 查看该专业官方网址 >> 加载中 查看该专业官方网址 ...
Executive Director of the National Park City Foundation and London National Park City James Golding Technical Director at Epic Games Tomas Stokke Co-founder and director of Haptic Architects Annekee Groeninx van Zoelen Graduate MSc Architecture, Urbanism & Building Sciences at Delft University of Techno...
24.MSc Finance - Private Banking and Wealth Management International University of Monaco (IUM) Spain 25.MSc in Real State ESCP Business School United Kingdom 26.Investment Fund Management University of Glasgow U.S.A. 27.Commercial Real Estate, M.S. ...
MSc Maritime Operations and Management 海事营运和管理 (需要相关背景)学校特色 完善的设施 作为伦敦大学城市学院的学生,你可以使用大学各种优质的教学设施。 其中包括其中包括视频编辑套件,电视演播室,风洞,工程实验室,飞行模拟器以及金融交易室等。大学为学生创造了安静的学习空间以及庞大 的资料库,旨在为学生提供高...
假洋鬼子Kenny 国际教育工作者 伦敦大学城市学院供应链管理硕士申请要求 | ✅ 伦敦大学城市学院供应链管理硕士申请要求➕录取案例 City, University of London MSc Digital Supply Chain Management 学制: 1 年 学费: £31,000 申请要求:
MSc Finance; MSc Corporate Real Estate Finance & Strategy MSc Investment Management; MSc Finance, Economics & Econometrics MSc Real Estate Investment; MSc International Auditing & Management MSc Shipping, Trade & Finance; MSc International Accounting & Finace ...
To apply for this course, you should have some mathematical background (A-level, IB, AP or any other equivalent secondary school qualification) and one of the following: An upper second-class (or equivalent) undergraduate degree in economics or a related discipline (e.g. finance). An upper...
City St George’s, University of London (formally City)School of Science and Technology Full time&Part timeSeptemberMSc1 year full time (15 months with internship), 2 years part time FindAMasters summary The Software Engineering with Cloud Computing MSc offers a comprehensive pathway to a success...
Options - Definition and terminology, simple uses of options: calls and puts Interest rate swaps Commodity markets Insurance and Shipping Markets Lloyd's of London Baltic Exchange Other related courses Corporate Finance - Sources of Capital Mergers & Acquisitions ...
MSc Graduating Class of 2013 13 October 2012 at 03:58 Off to an awesome start! We've already got some funds for the scholarship, before the justgiving page is even ready! About the charity City University London RCNHMRC Registered www.city.ac.uk ...