appeared in a local newspaper.The newspaper, to my , continued to print my work.Next, a book series published several of my essays.I got interested in writing and up with each acceptance.On the pages, readers never knew of my blindness I chose to present it.For me, finding ...
Having adequate and sufficient housing is considered as a basic human right. In China, the welfare housing policy reform in the late 1970s and the urban housing market reform since 1998 contributed to a booming residential housing market (Figure 15.1). A
In this chapter we draw out some key themes of comparison in relation to context, the cities’ overall approaches towards their residents with precarious status, and their framing of any rationales that have been expressed for inclusion in services. We t
As such, a holistic view of the smart cities are provided. Papers related to Smart building, the existing definitions of Smart and transformations made over the past decades, how it was categorized, contributions made to the building sectors and current research reported in smart buildings are rev...
City University London RCNHMRC Registered City University London delivers innovative, relevant and forward-looking education, training, consultancy and research. Located in the heart of one of London, City is perfectly positioned to be the intellectual hub of the City of London. Our...
Just next to the Liangzhu Ruins Park in the west of the city, the green city yunxili will be launched soon. Its main building area is about 255-350 M2 French style platoon. 154套大宅,其中一半建筑是双拼,近70%房源都是花园270°环绕的边套!取名“雲溪里”,既是对云栖玫瑰园和溪上玫瑰园的致...
In order to better preserve this artwork, members of the City’s Public Art Advisory Committee, art conservation experts and structural engineers decided to print the panels of this mural on aluminum surface. The painted mural is currently in storage and will be displayed at an indoor location ...
Respondents were asked to rate themselves on a scale from 0 to 10 for each of the following three questions: (i) Overall, how satisfied are you with life as a whole these days? (2) Overall, to what extent do you feel the things you do in your life are worthwhile? and (3) How ...
There was a time when Hong Kong was associated with cheap manufactured goods such as toys, low-end electronics, and garments, but this was well over two decades ago. In the last two decades, Hong Kong has undergone a remarkable transformation. The factor
; M.Maggetti Performance of Public Sector Organizatio 05DEAE5A-1CAC-44C1-A090-E2673E29717F 603348 Electronic Book Text 535844 9780230353725 023035372X India: Acquiring its Way to a Global Footprint E.Book India: Acquiring its Way to 15/12/2011 12/15/2011 612 Business Management Monos - ...