新西兰 搜索 扫一扫下载 首页 留学申请 北美中心 找学校 查专业 看攻略 英国 澳洲 美国 日本 新西兰 新加坡 测测专业申请成功率 Business Management 商业管理 学位类型:BSc 专业方向:商科 所属学校:City University of London(伦敦城市大学) 查看该专业官方网址 >> 加载中 查看该专业官方网址 ...
BSc (Hons) Business with Finance 商业与金融学(卡斯商学院) BSc (Hons) Business with Marketing 商业与市场营销(卡斯商学院) BSc (Hons) International Business 国际商务(卡斯商学院) BSc (Hons) Business Management, Digital Innovation and Entrepreneurship商业管理、数码创新与创业(卡斯商学院) LLB (Hons) La...
伦敦城市大学(City, University of London ) 始建于1894年,至今已有160多年的历史,是全英第三大、伦敦地区最大的综合性国立大学。伦敦城市大学系英国政府正式批准成立的国立大学,还是首批通过中国政府教育部认证的国外大学之一。长期以来,学校倍受英国王室和政府的支持。菲利浦亲王一直为学校提供经济赞助,推动学校的发展。
City, University of London 的授予学科 Social sciences Communication & Media Studies Sociology Politics & International Studies (incl Development Studies) Clinical, pre-clinical & health Other Health Business & economics Economics & Econometrics Business & Management ...
Bayes’ ideas are central to Finance, Actuarial Science and many branches of Management, the core disciplines of the Business School. They are also the foundation of artificial intelligence and machine learning. The new name will formally launch on Monday 6thSeptember 2021 – the...
City University of London - School of Mathematics, Computer Science and Engineering Maritime Management (TOP 50) United Kingdom 17. MSc Real Estate Investment City University of London - Bayes Business School Real Estate / Wealth management (TOP 50) United Kingdom 22. MSc in Data Sci...
MSc Maritime Operations and Management 海事营运和管理 (需要相关背景)学校特色 完善的设施 作为伦敦大学城市学院的学生,你可以使用大学各种优质的教学设施。 其中包括其中包括视频编辑套件,电视演播室,风洞,工程实验室,飞行模拟器以及金融交易室等。大学为学生创造了安静的学习空间以及庞大 的资料库,旨在为学生提供高...
City University of London - Bayes Business School Choose a Master, an MS or an MBA inReal Estate / Wealth management The sector of Real Estate/Wealth Management Wealth Management is more than simply a financial expert giving advice on how to invest someon...
MA Arts Management; MBA Business Administration MSc Electronic Publishing; MA International Journalism MA Composition; MSc Music Information Technology MA Musicology; MSc Banking & International Finance MSc Finance; MSc Corporate Real Estate Finance & Strategy ...
Xiao Han is an assistant professor of finance at Bayes Business school (formerly known as Cass), City, University of London. He obtained his PhD in Finance from University of Edinburgh. His research covers topics in structural...