录取学校与专业:City University of Hong Kong-MBA 香港城市大学(City University of Hong Kong),简称城大(CityU),是一所坐落于中国香港九龙塘的公立研究型大学,是香港特别行政区政府资助的八所高等教育院校之一,获教育部列入国家重点高校名单,为京港大学联盟、中俄工科大学联盟、沪港大学联盟成员高校,并获AACSB和EQU...
College of Business City University of Hong Kong Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong, Hong KongChoose a Master, an MS or an MBA in MBA full time The sector of MBA Full Time The directives positions must be occupied by managers and entrepreneurs capa...
The City University of Hong Kong 中国-香港-九龙城区 https://www.cityu.edu.hk 加入我的选校 区域排名 世界排名 USNEWS 80(泰晤士高等教育) 101-150(上海交大) 录取率测试 在线问答 测测我的录取率 申请项目 就读年级 下一步已有 4384105 人进行过测试 ...
The City University of Hong Kong 中国-香港-九龙城区 https://www.cityu.edu.hk 查询与自己条件相符的申请案例 查询能办理本校的中介及中介口碑 区域排名 N/A - 世界排名 62 QS 80(泰晤士高等教育) 79(USNEWS) 录取率测试 在线问答 学校简介本科申请本科专业研究生申请研究生专业艺术生申请 测测我的录取率...
香港城市大学(City University of Hong Kong),简称城大(CityU),是中国香港的一所亚洲前列和国际化的...
Since City University of Hong Kong (CityUHK) recognized as university status in 1994, it has provided high quality education to the Hong Kong community and meet the needs of our knowledge-based society. It has achieved phenomenal growth from a small institution, housed in temporary premises, to...
City University of Hong Kong General Management (TOP 230) Hong Kong (S.A.R.,China) 8.Master of Business Administration City University of Hong Kong - College of Business MBA full time (TOP 275) Hong Kong (S.A.R.,China) 9.MSc in Advanced Technology and Management ...
City University of Hong Kong aspires to become a leading global university, excelling in research and professional education. Ranked as one of top universities in Asia, its mission is to nurture and develop the talents of students and to create applicabl
More programs from the university Bachelor Master MBA PHD CityUHK emphasises on professional education preparing students for the challenges and exciting opportunities opening up in Hong Kong, the Asia-Pacific region and throughout the world. We strive to nurture well-round graduates who are competen...