2025. Copy Citation Share Post the Definition of city-state to Facebook Facebook Share the Definition of city-state on Twitter Twitter Kids Definition city-state noun ˈsit-ē-ˈstāt, -ˌstāt : a self-governing state consisting of a city and surrounding territory ...
Define City-states. City-states synonyms, City-states pronunciation, City-states translation, English dictionary definition of City-states. n. A sovereign state consisting of an independent city and its surrounding territory. American Heritage® Dictio
The city-state, one of seven hereditarily ruled, autocratic sheikhdoms that make up the UAE, provided Emirates some $4 billion in a bailout at the height of the pandemic. FromSeattle Times The financial health of the carrier Emirates has served as a barometer for the aviation industry world...
City State Definition The city-state is a usually small, independent country consisting of a single city, the government of which exercises full sovereignty or control over itself and all territories within its borders. Unlike in more traditional multi-jurisdictional countries, where political powers ...
city-state in the Government topic by Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English | LDOCE | What you need to know about Government: words, phrases and expressions | Government
Worldwide, there is an increasing number of transnational initiatives on climate actions driven by non-state actors. Such international initiatives could accelerate the implementation and increase the effectiveness of national and local policies as they broaden the coalition of willing parties and ...
State-of-the-art and current practices made in smart buildings are reviewed, and a set of directions for future studies are suggested. The main question to address is what systems and technologies have been utilized and incorporated in smart buildings/homes so far. As such, a holistic view ...
City-state, a political system consisting of an independent city having sovereignty over contiguous territory and serving as a political center.
The lack of a clear definition for a 3D city model is partially responsible for such ambiguity. Nevertheless, we believe that we have captured virtually all uses of 3D city models, and that the decisions we have taken, while arbitrary, are justified and do not diminish the exposition of any...
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