"Fragmentation" can be seen here as a natural pattern of re-scaling nation-states; in contrast, it can be perceived as a threat to the integrity of the nation-state itself, as is clearly the case for Spain (Colino, 2008; Zabalo et al., 2012; Serrano, 2013; Sanjaume-Calvet and ...
If your business received damage as a result of the storm, please report your damage assessment to the state at the following link: www.flvbeoc.org. This information is important for state and local agencies to draw down federal resources, and implement state programs that will assist in our...
The Green City Index series also shows that cities have different ap- proaches, but many experts favour upgrading and integration over re- moval. As an example, the state water company operating in Curitiba has extended water services and sewerage connections to all of the 1,790 households in...
In this context, research challenges that provide access to a large number of research teams to the same dataset are becoming a truly valuable framework to advance the state of the art in the field. A prototypical example is offered by Orange's 'Data for Development' (D4D) initiative in ...
Planning attempts to link scientific and technical knowledge to actions in the public domain. In this definition, planning is not wholly concerned with knowing or acting. Instead, it serves as a link: its specific task is to make scientific and technical knowledge helpful to specific actors in ...
LaraWeissThecity of thedead or: themaking of aculturalgeography¹Abstract:Saqqarawas thenecropolisof theancientEgyptiancity of Memphis,acentreofmajorpoliticalandreligiousimportancethroughoutPharaonichistory.Kingsaswell as commonerschooseto be buriedherefromtheearliesttimeson-wards,resultingin thefirst ...
state provisions by fuelling two types of “nationalistic” responses, which are the causes of a deep re-scaling process regarding the United Kingdom as a nation-state (Burch et al., 2005;Sato, 2014;McGrattan and Williams, 2017). As theGuardiannoted, the Brexit vote could have triggered ...
These documents where scanned for state- ments on how governance processes are or should be designed, in particular with regard to the planning of transportation infrastructure in Hamburg. The statements found in the context of the EU project mySMARTlife where than contrasted with those from the ...
As the aim of this review was to obtain insight into the current state of SEE smart cities’ research regardless of the domain, the research was not restricted in terms of research areas. In addition, in order to capture all aspects of the smart city concept, the following closely related ...
State AGs have battled tobacco promotion to kids since before their multibillion-dollar Master Settlement Agreement with Big Tobacco in 1998. Two decades on, in the strongest terms, they're telling Big Media how to protect young viewers. What's more important than children's lives? Read the ...