Sewer Rates May Rise in City -- Yakima City Council could OK bump to help defray cost of lawsuitWES NELSON YAKIMA HERALDREPUBLIC
Sewer-Connection Fees -- High Estimate Stuns Yakima Woman -- City hookup charges leaves family mulling its next move -- Vasquez FamilyJENNIFER HIEGER YAKIMA HERALDREPUBLIC
City of West Valley May Pay Higher Sewer Fees -- Yakima memo suggests that is a possibility if a new city becomes a realityDAVID LESTER YAKIMA HERALDREPUBLIC
Yakima city officials are considering scaling back new sewer connection fees and creating a cap on the charge for some urban- area residents.WES NELSON Of the HeraldRepublic
Yakima City Council Approves Sewer Fee Payment PlanWES NELSON YAKIMA HERALDREPUBLIC
Yakima City Council OKs Apple Tree Utility Bonds -- Developer will put up $2.2 million for sewer line to area of developmentWES NELSON YAKIMA HERALDREPUBLIC