Emterra, City Both Dirty in Garbage MessGarbage is messy. Everyone knows that. But if you're a municipal politician, you simply cannot afford to let the mess get out of control, especially when it comes to garbage collection.Winnipeg Free Press...
Downtown Winnipeg may not be lake country, but that hasn’t stopped Lake of the Woods Brewing Co. from dropping anchor in True North Square. Its ground-level tap room and patio are now open, while most of the guts of the brewery is on the second floor, in the middle of Hargrave Stre...
While there has definitely been some gang activity in the Somalian community in Edmonton,that's not the only cause. Ahmed Hussen, national president of the Canadian Somali Congress, said"a substantial number of victims are not involved with gangs or anything." "If anything, the Somalian commun...
Janitorial and commercial cleaning services in Winnipegoffer you carpet cleaning, rooms, offices, entire buildings. It is up to you to decide which cleaning method you want. We are here to do the job. If you are busy working in an office, we can devote ourselves to home. Or if you are...
I have encountered every one of these at least once. Plus more. Like turtles. They are slowandin the road so you have to stop your car, get out and pick up the turtle and move him to the side he was heading to. Also, the ducks of a neighbor’s farm love to splash in potholes...
Tinsel, bows, garland and ribbonare made of mixes of materials that are detrimental to the recycling process. Instead of tossing them, reuse them next Christmas. Styrofoam and bubble wrapare not accepted for recycling in most jurisdictions. Either toss...