Rehabilitation Specialist, Housing and Community Services Department(离职员工)-Wichita, KS-2025年1月10日 Housing Department Scheduled 3-4 appointments per day at low-income families' homes to assess their qualifications with a focus on health and safety issues to qualify for funding through HUD Natio...
The city of Wichita had 8.7% multifamily rental vacancy in 2024Q1, down 6.45% YoY. Kentucky’s Rental Vacancy Rate The statewide rental vacancy rate in Kentucky is 6.5% as of the end of 2024Q2; that’s 1.52% below the national average. ...
Billingham (2017) presents the case of Wichita, Kansas. Here central area renters were confronted with gentrification. Active displacement of renters is absent, but displacement occurs indirectly. Interesting is the perspective on this displacement to “ascending” areas, with less public transport. Som...
Nationwide at least nine public housing agencies have work requirements in place under the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s “Moving to Work” demonstration program. There are a total of about 3,000 housing authorities across the U.S. Levy notes there could be other location...
“We need to make sure that we get out of our own way when it comes to housing,” Breed said. To streamline construction, city supervisors in Julyslashed building impact fees—charges that developers pay to help fund city services—by 33% for the next three years. They also reduced the...
It seems like everywhere you turn you're faced with bad news. The media can bring people's spirits down with the amount of bad news that gets delivered to us on a daily but make no bones about it, there are still some good people in the world. When you think about this time of ye...
Forms of US local government More than eighty per cent of American citizens now live in large cities, suburbs of cities, or towns. People’s needs – from police to sanitation, education to fire protection, housing and public transportation – are seen to, most directly, by city governments....
5. Said signs have not been enforced by the Police Department of the City of Jackson and have been placed on the public sidewalks for the sole purpose of assisting the members of both races who desire to use separate facilities in the terminals, if possible. ...
The Arabia Steamboat Museum is a favorite Kansas City attraction, a history museum housing 200 tons of cargo from life on the American frontier in 1856. Our tour is now self-guided to assist with social distancing and face masks are required by order of the he...
Rebuilding the Inner City, One Home at a Time New Housing Scheme in Wichita Givves Addicts and Ex-Convicts Skills and Fosters a Work Ethic