To succeed in the face of global and domestic competition, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government adopted a policy of entrepreneurialism (promoting the “new patterns of development” mentioned in the above quote) beginning in the first decade of the twenty-first century (Boland2007; Gonzalez2018; Jacobs... 主席,我們不是殘疾人士,可能未必完全瞭解他們對交通問題的切 身感受,所以,我想引用斌仔一篇題為“無障礙城市”的文章,讓局長知道殘疾人士對交通的需求及看法。 In the case of the eight "Wan" streets in KowloonCity,which the ChiefSecretaryforAdministration ...
After gainingthelanding point, they canthenroamanentire province, andeventhewhole country, in search of business opportunities. 對香港的專業界別來說,要進入內地提供 服務,目前最有需要的是有一個橋頭堡,有了這個落腳點後,便可遊走全省,甚至全國,尋找商機。
Courts to fill existing vacancies, [...] 這筆撥款 會令司法機構有足夠的資源,增聘區域法院及裁判法院的法官 及司法人員,以填補有關的職位空缺,增聘各級法院的暫委法 官及司法人員,以按需要縮短輪候時間,及調派和聘用足夠員 工為提升司法服務及登記處服務提供支援。
Although there are undeniable problems like housing vacancies and development bubbles in new town development, we are sceptical of the inclination to crown the new towns with unhomely images and equating them with the label of a desolate "ghost city". The lopsided focus on the political and ...
A feature of the nonstoichiometric spectra of magnetite is the fact that, in the presence of vacancies, the electronic exchange between Fe3+and Fe2+ in the octahedral position is disturbed, in which the fraction of Fe3+ not participating in the electronic exchange due to the deficiency of Fe2...