Clegg, JoAnn
As the 21st century progresses, South Carolina has attracted new business by having a 5% corporate income tax rate, no state property tax, no local income tax, no inventory tax, no sales tax on manufacturing equipment, industrial power or materials for finished products; no wholesale tax, and...
BOARD OF DIRECTORS Diane Oberg, president; James Giese, vice president; Virginia Beauchamp, treasurer; Bernlna McGee, secretary; and Barbara Llkowskl. lots of take home information Community Center May 18th DEADLINES: Display Ads-10 p.m. Monday: Letters, articles and other ads-10 pm tor moms...
Giese said that of the city's property tax income, exc,luding tlhe t ax on business equipment, a pproximate. ly forty percent comes f rom com- Revenue Increases mercial proper ty, twenty percent The amount of the tax increase See CITY, page 5, col. S understates the growth of · ...