除墨尔本市以外,大墨尔本还包括其他的市,如华人比较聚集的白马市(The City of Whitehorse),就包括Box Hill, Burwood等16个区(suburb)。 这里还要提一下地方政府行政区(Local Government Areas ,LGA)这个概念,指的是州以下的行政单位,各个LGA的名称各异,可能是市(city)、郡(shire)、镇(town),或者地方市(municip...
The Outer West is the huge western area of Sydney that includes the suburbs of Blacktown, Mt.Bidwill Suburb Bidwill is a suburb of Sydney, in the state of New South Wales, Australia. Bidwill is situated 3½ km west of City of Blacktown.Shalvey...
Woolworths, Ashfield Presbyterian Church, PLC Sydney Preschools, BWS Gelding Street Pratten Park Bowling Club Western Suburbs Lawn Tennis Pratten Park Empire Street Sunning Place Bogan Street Kensington Road Denman Avenue Winchcombe Avenue Garnish Fine Foods Rogers Avenue Gillies Avenue ...
released by the NSW Department of Communities and Justice, to compare precinct-level sales price (i.e. VG data) with the property market at both local (Local Government Area [LGA]) and city-wide (Sydney’s Greater Metropolitan Region [GMR]) scales. To compare quarterly Rent ...
(Eacott,2024, February 18), uses the ABS’s TableBuilder to extract data on usual place of residence (any LGA) cross-tabulated with place of work at the LGA level (limited to the Greater Sydney statistical area), filtered using industry of employment–school education workforce. Data was ...
Gentrification may, therefore, not involve replacement or relocation, Shaw and Hagemans (2015, p. 323) observing in a study of two Melbourne suburbs that, Transformations in shops and meeting places, and in the nature of local social structure and government interventions, cause a sense of ...
The only metropolitan Adelaide LGA with more retirement villages is the City of Norwood, Payneham, and St Peters (local suburbs of Unley), which have 35 aged care facilities [22]. There are nine suburbs in the City of Unley where over a third of the householders live alone [23]. These...