As I edged out, I spotted at a large brick wall that was decorated by a huge sprayed-on image of three foxes grappling with the FA Cup, a reminder of a recent game in the combined histories of our two clubs. On a slow-moving stretch of the main road out to the ring road, in th...
Although this is still evident in Egypt, the influence of modern culture is apparent in the main cities such as Cairo and Alexandria where the likes of internet and television have opened the Egyptians eyes up to the Western world of different ideas such as music, fashion and literature. Thoug...
In 2023, Duane "Keefe D" Davis was arrested and charged with the murder of Tupac. Police believe the 60-year-old reputed gang member orchestrated the killing by obtaining the gun that was used in the murder. Keefe D has previously admitted to being at the scene of the crime and having ...
as possible through trees, and steepening the slope of the southern shore o;f the pond to brin·g the tree line closer to the water. They also accept ed the current plan for landscaping the area around the pond. The r easoning behind t he mo. tion was to attempt t o make the ...
New York City special pros- ecutor Sterling Johnson announced that Harlem was the "drug-trafficking center of the nation," where dealers openly sold "to the blacks who walked into the streets and the whites who never got out of their cars." And that had been the case for nearly a decade...