CITY OF HANCOCK DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AGENDA MONDAY, JANUARY 6, 2025 6:00 P.M. 399 QUINCY ST. Regular Meeting Call to order by Chairperson Jon Luse, Roll Call Consider approval ... 2024 New Year Transit Schedule Transit will be open from 7:00am - Noon on Tuesday, December 31st...
motivating the employees. If we can ever get him to realize that Public Works does not have the money tree that the oilfield had, we will be great. The area of Public Works on Moose Drive has aesthetically been greatly improved, and is still being worked on. I think the city made a w...
Weazel News will tell you that the only people interested in Liberty City's historic buildings these days are democracy-hating terrorists but the Triangle Building, Grand Easton Terminal, Civic Citadel and Rotterdam Tower are pieces of classic architecture not to be missed. Liberty City also boasts...
Anyone wha has any questo:is should c'all his/ her coach. Call for Voter Applications 'Beginning June 1 residents of Prince Georges County who wish to register for the 1986 guberna. torial elections can receive a vot- er registration application by callin g 627-2814 anytime. Reg is- t ...
The majority of crystal meth in New York is used as a sex drug for gay men, sometimes for anal application before sex (a practice known as a "booty bump"). Wendel believes the other predominant use of crystal meth in the city is as an additive to cocaine; meth makes a coke high ...