Winston Fisher oversees financing and investing, property acquisitions and new developments at Fisher Brothers, which has a portfolio of 10 million square feet of commercial space and recently re-entered the residential market. A donor to Gov. Andrew Cuomo, a co-chair of the New York City Regio...
Voters could choose later this year whether to extend MAPS 4 beyond 2028 to pay for part of the arena. The MAPS 4 is a debt-free public improvement program funded by a temporary penny sales tax that will raise a projected $1.1 billion over eight years. The MAPS 4 keeps Oklahoma City’...
But the warm humidity made me melt when I went out, then the air conditioning made me freeze when I went in! I must go again, but next time NOT flying economy class!!! Loved the Big Buddha on Lantau Island and spectacular views from the cable car ride!
crossing, Clarklamented, “I have been wet and as cold in every part as I ever was in my life, indeed I was at one time fearfull my feet would freeze in the thin mockersons [moccasins] which I wore.” Cold and hungry, the expedition finally spilled out of the mountains onto the ...