Mostoles. After 2019 election when her party increased its votes and seats she secured a coalition with Podemos and Mas Madrid Ganar Mostoles to secure an overall majority for the 2019-2023 term. She has cited growth, equality, accessibility and more opportunities as the pillars of her ...
By 2030, the population living in cities will increase by an additional 1.5 billion people, placing a great strain on resources, infrastructure, jobs and healthcare (UN 2018). It has become clear that to combat this change, a number of creative approaches need to be put in place to ensure...
1,108 in california high schools youth opportunities unlimited 915 w. manchester ave. los angeles, california 90044 # 1,317-1,652 in california high schools john c. fremont senior high school 7676 s. san pedro st. los angeles, california 90003 # 1,180 in califor...
This strategy places the library as one of the key partners in smart city development. The ChiPL provides access to various technologies and related training in addition to opportunities to participate in community affairs and ideate and innovate to improve outcomes. The ChiPL is well-positioned ...
Keywords: city; tourism; crisis; tourist housing; political economy of tourism; social movements; Barcelona; ABTS; PEUAT 1. Introduction: The Tourist City within the Framework of Neoliberalism At the beginning of the 1970s, the decline in profit rates and the overaccumulation of capital fueled ...