The leader of a London borough council is tired of abandoned dockless ebikes littering the streets and teenagers zooming along the sidewalks,and wants to have all Lime bikes crushed.Just wait until he learns about all the cars blocking sidewalks and bike lanes, and drivers zooming down the stre...
Jane Hughson reminisces about the Great Fluoride Debacle of 2015, when the good citizens of San Marcos got a little muddled on the science, and voted to stop adding fluoride to the water. The citizen wrote the initiative in a way that made it impossible for the city to carry out. Somet...
The following challenges may have an impact on walking and walkability: lack of appropriate sidewalks, including issues such as width, continuity, and evenness of the sidewalks; presence of garbage disposal cans and containers; large tree stumps; differing levels of sidewalks; water dripping from ...