When their case was called on December 7, 1864, Young introduced into evidence his commission and the orders from Richmond. He testified he was a citizen of the Confederate States, which was at war with the United States, and an officer in its army, and his actions at St. Albans were p...
School of Management, University of Bradford, Richmond Road, Bradford, BD7 1DP, UK Elvira Ismagilova & Nripendra P. Rana Emerging Markets Research Centre (EMaRC), School of Management, Swansea University, Bay Campus, Fabian Way, SA1 8EN, Swansea, UK Laurie Hughes & Yogesh K. Dwivedi Cor...
- Chad S. from Richmond, Posted: 09/04/2023 Upon arrival the GCR inspector said that several TV remotes were missing and would be replaced. Never heard anything about that. We did without. The door codes didn't work so we contacted GCR and they were able to reprogram the codes remotely...