Transportation, warehousing & utilities9.1%9.1% Education, health & social services8.5%8.5% Other24.6%24.6% Nearby cities with high median household income CityPopulationHousehold IncomeNational Avg. West Pasco, WA1,592$105,78691.2% West Richland, WA14,842$102,97486.1% ...
4730 W Mallard Ct West Richland, WA 99353 Homes with similar exteriors Based on images of this property’s exterior Property detail for 1518 Kendall Rd NW Benton City, WA 99320 For Sale $454,900 3bed 2bath 1,592sqft1,592 square feet 0.24acre lot0.24 acre lot 1518 Kendall Rd NW Benton...