New Proposal Asks JEA to Pay City More; Utility Would Pay at Least $114M, Help toward Septic Tank RemovalByline: Nate Monroe A veteran city councilman and key members of Mayor Lenny Curry's...Monroe, Nate
Byline: Nate Monroe A plan touted as the answer to one of the toughest questions surrounding...Monroe, Nate
JEA, Council Committee Settle on City Contributions Agreement; Utility Will Give $114M Each Year, Water-Quality Credits Free of ChargeByline: Nate Monroe JEA and city officials finalized a financial aid package to provide more...Monroe, Nate...
UTILITY SQUEEZE; JEA Faces Declining Revenues, Increasing City Demands, Changing Energy FutureByline: Nate Monroe& David Bauerlein For an agency that delivers a basic service - flip a...Bauerlein, Nate Monroe& David
Byline: Nate Monroe A special City Council committee tasked with negotiating a new annual...Monroe, Nate