BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE CITY OF RICH HILL, MISSOURI, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Board of Aldermen of the City of Rich Hill, Missouri (the “City”) finds it necessary and hereby declares its intent to borrow $3,000,000 for the purpose of acquiring, constructi...
Much of the alpine snow melts by mid-August except for a few snow-capped peaks and a few small glaciers. The Colorado Mineral Belt, stretching from the San Juan Mountains in the southwest to Boulder and Central City on the front range, contains most of the historic gold- and silver-mining...
The expedition arrived at theMandanandHidatsavillages near present-dayBismarck,North Dakota, and constructedFort Mandanin which to spend the winter. The captains prepared maps,artifacts, mineral samples, plant specimens, and papers to send back in the spring. On April 7, 1805, a small crew depar...
Seasonal hunting, sportfishing, and tourism form the basis for an important regional recreation industry. Valuable mineral deposits surround the lake. Iron ore was mined and smelted locally from 1848, and the opening (1855) of the Soo Locks ship canal on the St. Marys River facilitated iron ...
Construction of a bridge (1812) across the Lehigh and opening of theLehigh Canal(1829) brought new economic opportunities to the town; an iron industry was started in 1847, a cement plant in 1850, and a rolling mill in 1860. Allentown’s location amid rich mineral deposits (iron ore,zinc...
Mining city is a specific area formed after the mining industry and its related social economy developed to a certain scale [32]. Mining city has caused serious damage to the regional environment in the process of mining resources exploitation. With the exhaustion of mineral resources, the ...
Lehigh, county, eastern Pennsylvania, U.S., consisting of a hilly region in the Appalachian Ridge and Valley physiographic province bordered by the Lehigh River to the east and Blue Mountain to the north. Other waterways include Leaser Lake and Jordan, Little Lehigh, and Saucon creeks. The Ap...