西堤区位于伦敦一区市中心,属于伦敦的一个市和郡(City of London),西堤区和西敏市是伦敦区域中仅有的两个城市地位的区,这里被视为整个英国交易和金融服务业的集中地,掌管全英国经济的英格兰银行(Bank of England)也在此区,因此这里的别称为“the City”(或仅称“City”——以大写“C”与整个伦敦区域区分)。
In 1550, the area south of London Bridge in Southwark came under the control of the City with the establishment of the ward of Bridge Without. 【参考译文】1381年,农民起义影响了伦敦。起义者占领了伦敦城和伦敦塔,但起义领袖瓦特·泰勒 (Wat Tyler) 在与包括市长威廉·沃尔沃斯 (William Walworth) ...
The City of London, also known as the City, or the Square Mile, is the area of London that originally lay within the ancient city walls. This independent part of Central London is known for its history and heritage, so is a must for anyone wishing to explore and understand London....
London's metropolitan area is divided into 32 boroughs and the City of London.───伦敦的城区分成32个区和伦敦城. Peter was made a Freeman of the City of London.───彼得获授伦敦市荣誉市民的称号。 英语使用场景 The City of London is the hub of Britain's financial world. ...
London是指伦敦大都市本身,而the Cityof London则是 London 的市中心区域,拥有独立的行政与立法权限,位阶较高,或可称为“伦敦城”,伦敦人简称为the City。 伦敦的行政区划分为伦敦城和32个市区,伦敦城外的12个市区称为内伦敦,其它20个...
London特指这个城市,如 I come from London.London is the capital of England 而the city of London,就是要特指这个城市本身了,比如说The city of london locate in...The city of London occpies... area...
Yep that's where the wall used to be, the old London wall.So a square mile, that's not very large area. Exactly how many people actually live there? Because if I remember correctly, most of that area is filled with banks.Yeah, there are only six thousand residents of the City of ...
這是英國 地區名稱:City of London 區號數據庫的頁面列表。 您可以點擊標題瀏覽詳細信息。 區域代碼: LND 城市國內目的地代碼Sn fromSn to運營商名稱號碼類型 London200000000000009999Vodafone Ltd (Thus)G London200001000000019999Citrus Telecommunications LtdG ...
World Executive London travel Maps - area and city street maps of London - London hotel reservations, sights, travel advice, London weather, currency, car rental and transport information
City of London 英文 德文 City of Londonpropernoun area in London, England containing the financial district, usually abbreviated to the City.[..] +添加翻译 英文-德文字典 City of London nounfeminine It is especially unfavorable for theCity of London....