City eases rabies vaccine rulesJodi Rogstad
关键词:狂犬疫苗;免疫效果:观察 中图分类号:$852.655 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005—8567(2011)05—0042—03 rabiesvaccineinZhenjiangcityin2008 YuanZhaohu,LiZhengxin,HangJihong。,GeQinjuan (1. ZhenjiangCenterforDiseaseControlandPrevention,Zhenjiang212001,China;2.Zhe~iangVeterinaryStation,Zhe~iang 212001, Ch...
Incidence of dog bite and anti-rabies vaccine utilization in the, University of Benin Teaching Hospital, Benin city, Nigeria: A 12-year assessment. Vaccine. 2010; 28:4847-50.Aghahowa SE, Ogbevoen RN. Incidence of dog bite and anti-rabies vaccine utilization in the, University of Benin ...