It highlights the Texas Supreme Court's interpretation of the amendment to the TTCA and presents the case Mission Consolidated Independent School District v. Garcia in the context.WischnewskyBrantE.EBSCO_AspHouston Law Review
SAM HOUSTON JOHNSON HOUSE: 432-386-2222; 106 N LBJ Dr, Johnson City, TX 78636. TEXAS 2 SUITES: 830-225-4427; 579 Triple S Trail, Johnson City, TX 78636. WALDEN RETREATS HILL COUNTRY: 830-321-0295; 1388 Gipson Rd, Johnson City, TX 78636...
Taking Claims: Are the Federal Courts Truly Open? John Corporation v. City of HoustonJ. BlockUniversity of Missouri School of LawJournal of Environmental and Sustainability Law