Since December, Focus has bought Neuman + Asso- ciates; David Weise & Asso- ciates; Altman, Greenfield & Selvaggi; Wasserman, Gross- man & Sloan; and U.K.-based Skeet Kaye Hopkins. Neuman and Weise merged into NKSFB, Hollywood's largest such firm, which Focus acquired in early 2018....
“…the Mayor’s office [asked the CPL] to [make] a really big push for voter registration, early voting. [The CPL] was like, yes, that helps a more informed city; people are going to go out and learn about their local politics and actively vote on them, today’s voting day. That...
Greenfield, E.A. Age–friendly initiatives, social inequalities, and spatial justice. Hastings Cent. Rep. 2018, 48, 41–45. [CrossRef] 12. Jarocka, M.; Wang, H. Definition and classification criteria of logistics services for elderly. Eng. Manag. Prod. Ser. 2018, 10, 65–75. [Cross...
Global change, including population growth, economic development and climate change constitute urgent challenges for the smart cities of the 21st century. Cities need to effectively manage their development and meet challenges that have a significant impact on their economic activity, as well as health...