They can be broken down into 31 relevant factors reflecting the most important aspects of smart components, as shown in Table 2 . Smart EconomySmart People Innovative spirit Entrepreneurship Economic image and trademarks Productivity Flexibility of labor market International embeddedness Ability to ...
Workers in the Seattle area who went on strike at the end of 2021 have promised to maintain their protest to the Port of Everett, Washington, and have already delayed the delivery of 500 trucks to 4 key Sound Transit Authority job sites. Because the six companies are all covered by the s...
Everett, C. How the “15-Minute City” Will Transform Work (Raconteur). Available online: (accessed on 31 March 2022). Crang, M. Rhythms of the City: Temporalised Space and Motion. In Timespace: Geographies of Temporality; Routledge: ...